Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Our Past Is Present October 31, 2017

October 31, 2017
            This is “Our Past Is Present” from the Geary County Historical Society.
            The Irish, with their “little people” or leprechauns, are given credit for the Halloween pranks and mischief that reached its peak in the 1880s.  Practical jokes were the favorite diversions any time of year, but Halloween was the night to bring off the big one.  Most families in town had a friendly, go-anywhere-when-led milk cow.  It took little effort and not much planning for Halloween pranksters to transfer Bessy from her backyard stall to the church choir loft, the city hall or to the school Principal’s office, where she was left for the night.  Since indoor plumbing had not yet been invented, some outdoor privies were turned on their backsides and discovered at dawn on November 1st
            In our community, businesses and community groups provide a consolidated event with a parade, distribution of candy, games and activities, and prizes.  This makes it possible for all the little “trick or treaters” to be treated without threat of mischief. 

            Dressing up in a favorite costume and sharing treats at school is a much anticipated celebration. We encourage everyone to stay safe and eat the sugary treats over time – not in one sitting.  

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