Thursday, November 30, 2017

Our Past Is Present November 30, 2017

November 30, 2017
Today’s story is titled “Central National Bank’s Unique Way of Deterring Robbers.”
The word was out to all bank robbers who might have been planning a visit to Junction City after November 24, 1932: “Arm yourselves with Kleenex, handkerchiefs or towels in addition to your usual assortment of machine guns, revolvers and pistols.”  It was on that date the Central National Bank installed an alarm system of tear gas bombs as a further preventative against robberies.  According to the planners, the tear gas would fill the lobby and vaults with a smarting eye irritant that would send bank Presidents, cashiers, bandits, bookkeepers and customers alike stampeding outside for fresh air.  The tear gas was contained in shells or tear gas guns positioned in different parts of the Central National Bank.  The same system of push buttons that controlled the burglar alarms controlled the gas guns and the whole system could be set off simultaneously by any bank employee.
            Release buttons were located at every cage window, at the different desks and at other strategic points throughout the entire bank building.  The directors hoped the new tear gas guns would be an added safeguard for the bank depositors and apparently – it worked.  Junction City was fortunate that during the Depression period, bandits by-passed our town. 
            That’s today’s story.  We want to remind you that if you want a unique gift for that special person on your list, we have books, decorative items, games and other items of interest in our Gift Shop.  Stop by Tuesday through Saturday between the hours of 1 and 4.  Our Museum is located at the corner of Sixth and Adams Streets.   If you have a person on your list who is interested in something related to Geary County history, we most likely have that special gift. 
And… thanks for reading  “Our Past Is Present” from the Geary County Historical Society. 

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